Non-Interactivity and Graph Non-Isomorphism

This is a supplement to Zero Knowledge Proofs - Lecture 1.

Not all interactive protocols can be converted to non-interactive protocols

In the lecture, the professor claimed that not all interactive protocols can be converted to non-interactive protocols, and the reason given in the slide was that IP = AM sometimes requires a super-polynomial prover, and in the case of Fiat-Shamir transformation, the prover needs to be computationally bounded, and therefore cannot invert H.

However, why is this the case? Let’s use Schnorr’s Protocol as a case study to explain it.

Schnorr’s Protocol

Goal: Prover convinces Verifier that they know xx such that h=gxh = g^x where gg is a generator of a group.

ProverVerifierr  $  Zqu=gruc  $  Zqcz=r+xczgz=?uhc\newcommand{\work}[2]{#1 & & #2\\} \newcommand{\varprover}{\text{Prover}} \newcommand{\varverifier}{\text{Verifier}} \newcommand{\alicework}[1]{#1 & &\\[-5pt]} \newcommand{\samplezqs}[1]{#1\sampleSymb\zqs} \newcommand{\varr}{r} \newcommand{\sampleSymb}{ {\; \xleftarrow{\$} \;} } \newcommand{\zqs}{\mathbb{Z}_q^\ast} \newcommand{\varu}{u} \newcommand{\varg}{g} \newcommand{\alicebob}[3]{#1 & \ra{#2} & #3\\[-5pt]} \newcommand{\ra}[1]{\vphantom{}\smash{\xrightarrow{\hspace{1cm}#1\hspace{1cm}}}} \newcommand{\bobwork}[1]{ & & #1\\[-5pt]} \newcommand{\schnorrvalidate}{\mathsf{schnorr}\_\mathsf{validate}} \newcommand{\varh}{h} \newcommand{\bobseparator}{&&-------\\} \newcommand{\sample}[1]{#1\sampleSymb\zq} \newcommand{\varc}{c} \newcommand{\bobalice}[3]{#1 & \la{#2} & #3\\[-5pt]} \newcommand{\la}[1]{\vphantom{}\smash{\xleftarrow{\hspace{1cm}#1\hspace{1cm}}}} \newcommand{\varx}{x} \newcommand{\varz}{z} \newcommand{\equalQ}{\overset{?}{=}} \newcommand{\zq}{\mathbb{Z}_\varq} \newcommand{\varq}{q} \begin{array}{c} \work{\varprover}{\varverifier} \alicework{\samplezqs{\varr}}\\ \alicework{\varu = \varg^\varr} \alicebob{}{\varu}{} \bobwork{\sample{\varc}} \bobalice{}{\varc}{} \alicework{\varz = \varr + \varx\cdot \varc} \alicebob{}{\varz}{} \bobwork{\varg^{\varz} \equalQ \varu \cdot \varh^\varc } \end{array}

The completeness of the above protocol is easy to see. For soundness, instead of proving statistical soundness, we can prove special soundness.

Just a sidenote, to convert this Schnorr’s Protocol to an non-interactive version, ZKDocs provides a case where incorrect input is used in Fiat-Shamir transformation, which causes the protocol to be insecure. It’s worth noting that the case they discussed is a bit different from what I have shown above. It’s about generating a valid triple (X=gx(modq)X=g^x \pmod q, c=Hash(input)c = \text{Hash(input)}, zz) for any X of prover’s choice 1, which means there is no fixed XX shared by both parties at the beginning. If you are interested, feel free to read the linked article and the paper.

What prevents grinding?

Now, let’s get back to the protocol that I described above. Suppose we want to turn it into an non-interactive version. The obvious thing we can do is to let c=Hash(u)c = \text{Hash(u)} and then use it to generate z=r+xcz = r + x * c.

Now, you might be thinking: what prevents a malicious prover from grinding? In other words, since the variable cc is just a coin 2, the malicious prover can just sampled 2 rr and it’s very likely that one of the Hash(u)=Hash(gr)\text{Hash}(u) = \text{Hash}(g^r) it gets is 00, which means it can then return z=rz = r directly. From the perspective of the verifier, this is a correct proof.

The answer to that problem is also very simple: c is not a coin, but a random value drawn from a field. If this is the case, the challenge space CC (the field where the “coin” c is chosen from) will be pretty large. As a result, the probability of finding the collision that I described above will be 1C\frac{1}{\|C\|} 3.

  • If you treat cc as a cc-bit number, then the probability will be 12c\frac{1}{\|2^c\|}.

Why can’t all interactive protocols be converted to non-interactive protocols (via Arthur-Merlin Game)?

By the analysis above, we know that the probability of successfully grinding is 12c\frac{1}{2^c}. If the prover is computationally bounded, this is fine. However, if it’s not the case, we are in trouble.

This is exactly why not all interactive protocols can be converted to non-interactive protocols as IP = AM transformation sometimes requires extra super-polynomial powers from Merlin (the prover).

Graph Non-Isomorphism

In the lecture, the professor shows an interactive proof of graph non-isomorphism. However, this proof is not ZK because a malicious verifier can use a completely new graph (not derived from either G0G_0 or G1G_1) and ask prover to show whether it is isomorphism to G0G_0 or G1G_1. Therefore, it can obtain extra information that cannot be simulated.

The way to solve this problem is briefly discussed: the verifier first prove to the prover that the graph it sends (let’s call it GG) is indeed isomorphic to one of the G0G_0 and G1G_1 (can be both).

  • But it is indeed very tricky to do so if you think about this carefully. How can you prove this without revealing which graph is isomorphic to GG?

The remaining part of this article will analyze this amazing blog to see how we can prove this in a PZK (perfect zero knowledge) way.

Solution 1

Send the two graphs π0(G0),π1(G1)\pi_0(G_0), \pi_1(G_1). The verifier then sends back an integer, pointing to one of these two graphs, and the prover responds by providing the permutation from GG to this graph. Note that if at least one of the graphs is isomorphic to GG, the prover can do so with at least probability 1/2.

This does not work because a simulator SS, given access to verifier VV, cannot simulate this because

  • It runs in PPT (probabilistic polynomial time), so it cannot using π0(G0),π1(G1)\pi_0(G_0), \pi_1(G_1) (where π0,π1\pi_0, \pi_1 are random permutations), generating a random number rr, checking if it is able to find a permutation between GrG_r and GG.
  • At the same time, it does not know which graph GG is isomorphic to, so it pre-prepare a permutation π\pi and generate messages like π(G),π1(G1)\pi(G), \pi_1(G_1) and π0(G0),π(G)\pi_0(G_0), \pi(G).

Solution 2

The prover sends back π(G),π0(G0),π1(G1)\pi(G), \pi_0(G_0), \pi_1(G_1) in a random order. The verifier then randomly points to one of the three graphs, and asks the prover to show that this graph is isomorphic to GG.

For the same reason, this method doesn’t work either. Given the length of the article, I’ll skip to the last solution.

Last Solution

The last solution is a very interesting construction.

  1. Prover responds by sending two scrambled and permuted ordered copies of GG, G0G_0, G1G_1 to the Verifier, with an additional restriction that second scrambling of the three graphs is either a right shift, or a left shift of the original three graphs.
    • In other words, it sends:
      • π(H),π0(H0),π1(H1)\pi(H), \pi_0(H_0), \pi_1(H_1)
      • π0(H0),π1(H1),π(H)\pi_0'(H_0), \pi_1'(H_1), \pi'(H)
    • or:
      • π(H),π0(H0),π1(H1)\pi(H), \pi_0(H_0), \pi_1(H_1)
      • π1(H1),π(H),π0(H0)\pi_1'(H_1), \pi'(H), \pi_0'(H_0)
    • where H,H0,H1H, H_0, H_1 is some random permutation (ordering) of G,G0,G1G, G_0, G_1
  2. The Verifier now responds with either a 0, or a 1, one option to continue with the proof, and the other to verify that the two permuted copies indeed satisfy the requirements.
  3. If the Verifier sent a 0, the Prover reveals the two permutations, and we go back to step 2. If the Verifier sent a 1, we continue to prove that at least one of the graphs is isomorphic to GG, by choosing one of the columns, and showing that both of the graphs in that column are isomorphic to GG by sending back the permutations.

This solution works and achieve PZK because:

  • H0, H1, H2 is a permutation of G0G_0, G1G_1, G2G_2 (they are G0G_0, G1G_1, G2G_2 in random order) -> this ensures that the correct column that the prover will pick can be any of the three columns.
    • Suppose no permutation is used, and only left and right shifts are used. Then, the probability of a column being selected is 1:1:0 (G isomorphic to G0G_0) or 1:0:1 (to G1G_1) or 1:1:1 (to G0G_0 and G1G_1) depending on which graph GG is isomorphic to.
      • Isomorphic to G0G_0

        G,G0,G1\mathbf{G}, G_0, G_1 G0,G1,G\mathbf{G_0}, G_1, G
        • or
        G,G0,G1G, \mathbf{G_0}, G_1 G1,G,G0G_1, \mathbf{G}, G_0
      • Isomorphic to G1G_1

        G,G0,G1G, G_0, \mathbf{G_1} G0,G1,GG_0, G_1, \mathbf{G}
        • or
        G,G0,G1\mathbf{G}, G_0, G_1 G1,G,G0\mathbf{G_1}, G, G_0
      • So, without permutation, we can know some additional information based on which column is selected.

  • Left Shift or Right Shift: it’s important to have them as well. This ensures that no matter the permutation, the distance between the GG and G0G_0/G1G_1 (the graph GG is isomorphic to) is always 1. If the distance is not always the same, after randomly selecting the column in the simulator, we cannot construct the other two columns randomly because we must fix the position of the graph that GG is isomorphic to match distance = 1.
    • For example, given this permutation GxG_x, GG, GyG_y. Suppose G1G_1 is isomorphic to GG. If we only allow left shift, we can only choose GyG_y as the position for G1G_1.
      • But, in reality, the simulator doesn’t know which graph GG is isomorphic to.
      • So, after selecting the column randomly, it cannot proceed.